servers services in Nairobi Kenya

Servers services in Nairobi Kenya

A server is a computer that uses the HTTP protocol to send Web pages to a client’s computer when the client requests them. Mulbison Technologies offers clients top-notch servers services in Nairobi Kenya at an affordable price. A server is like a helper that listens for requests from a computer and gives back what that computer wants. The computer asking for help is called a client. When we talk about servers on the Internet, we usually mean the computer that sends web files to the client who asked for them.

What are they used for?

Servers are like helpers caring for important things on a computer network. They can help control who gets to use the network, send and receive emails, print things, or show websites. Some servers are committed to a specific task or one website, often called dedicated servers. However, many servers today are shared servers that take on the responsibility of e-mail, DNSFTP, and multiple websites in the case of a web server.

Why are servers always on?

Servers are like helpers that are always working to provide important services. They don’t take breaks and are always ready to help. But sometimes they stop working and that can cause big problems for everyone who uses them. To make sure things keep running smoothly, servers are set up to be extra safe so that if one stops working, another one can take over right away.

Examples of servers

The following list contains links to various server types.

How do other computers connect to a server?

A local network is like a club where all the computers are members and they all have a leader called a server. The server talks to a special box called a router or switch that helps all the computers talk to each other. When the server is connected to the network, all the other computers can use it to do things like look at a website, search for things, and talk to other people on the network.

An Internet server is like a big computer that helps lots of people connect to the Internet. It has its own special Internet address given by a company called InterNIC or a web host.

When people want to visit a website, they type in its name like “”. The computer then figures out where that website is located on the internet and connects you to it. It’s like using a map to find a friend’s house.

A domain name is like a nickname for a website, it makes it easier for people to remember and visit. Even if the website moves to a different “house” IP address, the nickname stays the same.

Where are servers stored?

In a big office building, there’s a special room where important computers and machines are kept. It’s like a secret hideout to keep them safe from people who shouldn’t use them.

There are computers called servers that are not physically nearby. They are in a special place called a data centre. Another company takes care of the computers and sets them up, but you or your company can still use them from far away.

What is a Linux server?

Linux server is a computer running a version of Linux that’s connected to a network or the Internet. For example, many of the web servers that host web pages on the Internet are Linux servers.

Looking for servers services in Nairobi Kenya be sure to contact Mulbison Technologies for help from the experts.

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